Levan Iordanishvili Software Engineer

Grid Flexibility | view project
Explored demand-side resource management and energy market price/output data. Built a light-weight React-Flask-SQLite web app for interacting with the data.
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Collage, June 7th 2023, Brooklyn | view project
28-minute composition and a companion photo booklet reflecting my experience of the Canadian wildfires in New York City on June 7th, 2023. Explored art as a tool for approaching the complexity of climate change.
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Generative Music | view project
Rule-based generative algorithm that models musical structures in an object-oriented architecture and helps create new musical worlds.
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Variations on Fragments Generated by an RNN | view project
Trained an RNN as a source of musical ideas: building on the tradition of composing variations using other composer's melodies.
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Udacity AI Projects | view project
AI algorithms implemented in Udacity's AIND: game-playing agents, planning problems, speech and ASL recognizers, machine translators, and computer vision experiments.
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